Established on the investment made by Changchun Tianfu Indus-trialGroup Co.,Ltd and Jilin university, Changchun Jilin University High-tech& New Material company(JUHN)is the only homebred one in Chinathat is eng-aged in research, development and scale production of thesuper engineer-ing plastics of polyether sulfone resin(PES),polyether et-her ketone resi-n(PEEK)and their second products. The company occup-ying 50000m2 land is locatedat Changchun Economic&Technology Dev-elopment Zone. The registered capital of the company is one billion RMB." Choosing the capable, running on competing equally", ispersonnel prin-ciple of the company. The company has 166 staff, including twenty perce-nt of membersowning doctor or master degree, and sixty-eight percent with at least college educational backgro-und.JUHN has first-rate equipment and advanced production technology. 300t/y PES resin production capacity and500t/y PEEK resin production line have been achieved and run into the production.... [